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Malay Music Ensemble

Dikir Barat

  • Choral singing, movement and poetry, often very rhythmic 

  • Usually in the structure of a pantun

  • Four main elements:

        - Tok Juara (leader)

        - Tukang Karut (song initiator)

        - Awok-awok (chorus)

        - Percussion ensemble

  • Can be done as a performance, or a competition where it turns into a "duel of wits'" by the tukang karut of two teams 

Angklung Ensemble

  • An instrumental ensemble comprising of Angklung and other percussion instruments

  • Each Angklung plays a single note, tuned in octaves

  • Every member of the group plays the Angklung they are holding only when their note is to be sounded in the song. This requires very good team work.


Gamelan Ensemble

  • An instrumental ensemble comprising of mainly percussion instruments

  • Originates from Indonesia, mainly from Java and Bali, and each region has its own style of gamelan.

  • Instruments include the Saron, Gendang, and Bonang

  • The ensemble mostly sits on the floor while they perform, and it is also considered rude to cross over an instrument while walking.


Music Appreciation Series

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